Surfing the internet for references to one's own name is henceforth to be known as ego surfing. Since nothing on the web could possibly be false, all of these references MUST be to me. I really do get around don't I? They misspelled my name a few times, but I'm not complaining. I'm just glad someone had the foresight to display my exploits around the world in HTML format. This page was last updated in December 2005 and lots of the links are dead now, but I don't care... I'm leaving them here! Check the "cache" links to see what they looked like back when they were valid.
Some of my favorite links to look up from three of my favorite sites: The Internet Movie Database, Google search, and Yahoo. These sites aren't cached since they're bound to change more frequently then the rest of this rot.
Yup, I was an actor all right! Not a big part, but there I was on the silver screen, in the golden olden days. Considering the age of this film, I must have been pretty young when it was made... like negative 50 or so. BTW: My Kevin Bacon number is 3. |
I used to be a semi-frequent poster to a few newsgroups regarding Windows ME and IBM's VARPG. I'd have to say that 96% of these links point to the real me. The other 4% was some sleep deprived idiot who couldn't type that day. I'll never take credit for saying that Power Defragger was a heluva debugging program! | |
I'm super rich and powerful, so I maintain three or four dozen residences at any given time. Here's the Yahoo people lookup of most of my places (with phone numbers!) I threw them a fake middle name sometimes just to be fun. =] | |
I've really jumped around getting my education. I've graduated from numerous high schools, colleges, universities, and academies. When you see data below that seems contradictory, know that this is does not disprove my theory that all these links must point to me. It only serves to support my OTHER theory that time travel is not only possible, but easily achieved with some twist ties, bubble gum, and several hundred hamsters (with hamster wheels).
I'm an alumni of Hazelwood Central High school - class of 1982! That would be the "Home of the Hawks" in Florissant, Montana. | | |
I'm not sure what to make of this one. The link was down as fast as I found it. I'm apparently an alumni of some school named Lobo that has some affiliation with NBCi and I graduated in 1985. | | |
A proud graduate of the United States Air-force Academy, Langley Virginia - 1990. A "CS09" member of the Mighty Ninety! | | |
Graduate of the New Mexico State University Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management program. Class of 1995. | | |
I was a student of the University of Limerick, Ireland and "failing badly" at getting my Sonoluminescence project to work. It apparently involves bubbles and electricity. Very cool. It all worked out for the best. Later, it seems that I joined the Physics Department after writing my thesis on "Microscopic Earthquakes: fundamental causes of abrupt resistance changes in electromigration". | | | | |
I wrote a paper on Online Banking for a class in Strategic Information Management at the University of South Carolina | | |
In James Madison University of Virginia I was acting CEO for a student led "New You in 2002" movement. | | |
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Seems I'm seriously into also Philosophy and baggy shirts. I started as a student and ended up a professor! I'm a faculty member at the University of Indiana and Adjunct Faculty member at the university of Southern Indiana (Philosophy AND Political Science!). | | | || | || | || |
I've earned my certificate in Multi-Engine or MEI from the Westwind School of Aeronautics | | |
Marion Iowa - Class of 1989! Marion is a subburb of Cedar Rapids & a fine place to graduate! | | |
After graduation, I bounced around a while and learned to play a few instruments or sing or something that ended me up in one of the following bands. Interestingly, I'm thinking of getting back to that Disciples look.
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The Disciples - That's me on the left. First time in my life I was the tallest! | | |
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The Flying Burrito Brothers - Not an original member of the band, Eric (or Erik depending who you ask) Dalton was the drummer on their 1974 tour and the "Live in Amsterdam" album. He left the group afterwards and currently plays with another former member of the Burritos in the Byron Berline Band (see below). Check the mouse-over picture on the left. Eric Dalton is the guy on the far right. Excellent beard. | | | Cached | | | Cached | | | Cached |
The Byron Berline Band - my other band. | | |
Eventually, I decided I needed a real job. I had several over the years. Sometimes apparently a few at the same time. Here's a list of the ones I'm most proud of.
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Another example of a time I used a slightly variated-versionated name. Erik Dalton, PHD founded the Freedom From Pain institute and to this day works to free you from the tortures of lower back pain. He's a certified rolfer, and boy can he rolf. What in the blue hell is a rolfer anyway?! But seriously, there are literally hundreds of links to Dr. Dalton and I just *LOVE* his tag line. | |
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I wrote a thesis on Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators at the Kansas State University. Twas nothing. | | |
I'm a CPA Audit Manager for Redding California based Matsom & Isom Inc. Accounting ROCKS. | | |
I registered in support of zoning case Z00-18/P00-18. Now I can have my photography studio in my den! | | |
I participated in the "Arts in the Courtyard at Solomon's Porch" in Albuquerque New Mexico. | | |
For sale - the book I wrote: FREE CITY by Eric Dalton - 1996, Norton (fiction) ... $13 (What a bargain!) | | |
I passed the Life Underwriting Education Committee's ALU examination for Transamerica Occidental Life. Woooo! | | |
When I was at Liberty High School I enjoyed Virginia Tech's "Connecting Science Research to the Classroom" convention | | |
For a while I ran "Dalton's Big Sky Stables" in Big Sky Montana. Up for some Trail Rides in the Gellatin National Forest? | | |
Yup. I was a juvenile probation officer for the county of Peoria in Peoria Illinois. Yup. | | |
I was a reseller of "Debit Phone Solutions!" ... I'm not proud. | | |
I'm running a concrete refinishing business, Increte Systems of Las Cruces New Mexico. | | |
Want to apply for the COMPASS program of the US Justice Dept? You can contact me. I'll get things done. | | |
I was a guest on Home and Garden TV's "Old Homes Restored" show. Baywolf/Dalton Inc. of Seattle Washington. | |,1158,BDRE_project_23477,FF.html |
I work at Military Technology Inc and specialize in High Frequency Shock Prediction (and lumped masses). | | |
I'm also the Banking Officer for the Accounting Department for Orange Coast Title out of southern California. | | |
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I'm chairing a focus group to determine the impact of home-school and private school students becoming part time students at the school I teach at Fauquier County Virginia. There's actually several links from this school, but this one made me feel like I was part of something. | |§ionID=200 | || |
I'm a free-lance writer as well. I just happily jaunt around the world and then write about it. Whee. Italy! Greece! Span! New Zealand! | | | | | | | |'01N.htm |
Apparently I'm working at the Centre for Telecommunications Value-Chain-Driven Research (CTVR) in Dublin Ireland. Dr. Dalton graduated with a first class honours degree in Applied Physics from the University of Limerick in 1999 where I investigated mass diffusion phenomena of electromigration via ultra-low resistometric measurements. Now, my expertise lies in the areas of thin film physics, instrumentation control, optical techniques and statistical signal analysis. | || | || | Cached |
UK Labor Journal chronicalled my story in "Wrenching Apart Capitalism, Or 'Big In Dudley': the Story Of North West Spanner Eric Dalton" |
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I was the custodian at the Narrows High School in Narrows Virginia for a brief tumultuous period. It's a dirty job, let someone else do it. |
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Out of Mocksville, NC - Me and my wife run a Grading business! N.C. DALTON & SON GRADING/HAULING. |
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I'm a lounge singer on a Carnival cruise! My opening act rocked the, uh, boat: "Dream Voyage with the Paradise Dancers"! |
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I'm quite the athlete and I have the links to prove it! As you will see below, I've not only excelled at most sports, but in a few instances, I've been the captain, or even the coach of the team! I might no longer hold the record for career runs in Cricket, but I'm still the champ of Tyger Blowing!
Eric Dalton the Cricket player was Born Dec. 2nd 1906 ** Died June 3rd 1983 |
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In 1989 I was a player on the B league Indians in the Warner Robins little league of central Georgia. | | |
Later in 1993 I played Infield for the Cape Code Baseball League's Chatham A's! | | |
I ran the 4x400 relay for West Deptford New Jersey. We took first place of course. I also ran the 400 in 56.80. Zoooom! | | |
Ice hockey
co-captain and winner of the Angier award. The team finished UNDEFEATED 20-0-3.
Woo! Not just that, but I'm the Captain of their Lacrosse team and we are also UNDEFEATED 14-0! I think it must be me. |
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Speaking of Lacrosse, I also played Defense at Middlebury CT. I wore #42 which is of course The Answer. Once again, I also played hockey & was the star player this time! |
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On another hockey team I racked up 3 assists and a goal as my team (Marquette) beat Parkway North 14 to nothing! | | |
More Hockey - Sophomore Forward for the Southwest Missouri State University Bears - Check out the team photo HERE | | |
When I was playing with the New England team, we rolled over the Rocky Mountain team four to nothing and I had an assist. | | |
I also played pee-wee football (and of course went undefeated!) with the Straughn Pee Wee Football Club. | | |
I played football for Artesia New Mexico and ran for 222 yards in a SINGLE GAME! Tucumcari didn't know what hit them. | | |
1992: I transferred out of East Carolina University where I played Defensive End for the Pirates. At the time I stood 6'3" and weighed 250 lbs. | | | |
1994: Born in Morgantown West Virginia, I played football with the West Virginia Mountaineers. WVU tried me at Center. Not good. | | |
I also played football for the semi-pro Carolina Heat. We beat Fayetteville 16 to 3 due in part to my 6 tackles and an interception. Back on Defense where I belong! | | |
They spelled my name wrong, but I'm now a Line Backer for Central in North Carolina and I picked off two passes in a row! D-Fense! D-Fense! | | |
I also played football, er, Soccer and made the Redan Twentieth Century Team! My position was Half Forward. | | |
Tae Kwon-Do! I took the Gold in hand breaking and silver in special breaking technique (that'd be with the head me thinks). Hiyaaaaah! | | |
Judo too ! Back in the '64 Olympics in Tokyo I was on the Australian Judo team. We took a bronze! | | apr2000/page20_21.pdf |
I'm a member of the Rally Sport Region - "The Fast, Fun, Friendly Region!" | | |
Speaking of Racing, check out my finish in this non-professional Kart race! | | |
I'm also in the Vanderbilt Club and took second place in the AMBC beginner men's cross country. 28 minutes flat. | | |
Back in '63 I set a United Kingdom record for the Long Jump - 7.15 meters! | | |
I participated in a Raccoon Mountain road bike race and was sponsored by Vanderbilt Cycling. I didn't finish, but at least I was still a teen ager then! | | |
I entered the Xterra Triathlon and did pretty very well - took second place in my age group! This Gellatin is in Tenn, not Montana like the link above. | | |
Another Triathlon - this one was much longer and I only took fourth place. I wonder why I traveled from Colorado all the way to Tennessee. | | |
I entered the 2002 Youth Villages 5K out of Memphis Tennessee and finished with an excellent time of 23:03. Hey, that's a PR for me! | | |
That same year I did the Germantown Half Marathon and again did very well: 1 hour 48 minutes and 55 seconds! | | |
I'm The coach of the team and also involved in Tyger blowing, that is to say, the blowing of a ref's whistle for the Ajax Cape Town Tyger's soccer team. Based out of South Africa, they are apparently one of the best youth teams in the entire continent. Just like our football here, there's always a controversy brewing. Fun! | | | || | || |
I've stolen some time here and there to pen a good mess of emails, newsgroup postings, letters to editors, and the like. Here's a sampling of just some of the stuff that's actually made it into the searches.
Here are a few letters that I've written to the editor of the Augusta Chronicle. Warning: Strong opinions contained herein! | |
- The media is the racist element here. - A response to my first letter! |
| - Take out the toll booths! |
Another letter to the editor. This time I'm on about how lots of us engineers are highly overqualified for the jobs we're being offered. | | |
Yet another letter to the editor. This time talking about Ralph Nader's role in costing Al Gore the election back in 2000. | | |
I'm selling my French Pistol! "Unique DES/69 UIT Match .22LR target pistol. Adjustable stippled wood grips, adjustable target sights, 5 shot mag, blue finish. Very good condition." A nice piece. I wonder how much it went for. | | |
I commented on the Targhee National Forest Open Road and Open Motorized Trail Analysis. I was letter number 34 of nearly 8000. | | |
Seems I'm somewhat of a race fan. I'm pulling for Star Racing and Team Winston to bring home the title! (I like Angell personally) | | |
I'm also a fan of the Magnificent 7 which was being re-run by TNN all summer long a few years ago. My shift keys must have been broken at the time. | | |
I published an article on Private Property & Collective Ownership it's available at 15pp, in PP 984 in the microfiche. | | |
I told Nick about a cheat code for the Triple Play 98 for the Sony Playstation. He spelled my name wrong though. Oh well. | | |
I must have been desperate. I posted to this blog hole trying whore myself for the AMEX Blue card. So sad. | | |
I have two old books and would like to know their worth. One is the "Consecrated Lives" the other "The man of Sorrows". Soggy Bottom Boys, right? | | |
I bought a double bit blade and enjoyed the experience! "Fast shipping on your swords! Got the sword the same week as I bought it." Nice to know there's no mandatory 10 day wait period for big ass bladed weapons. | | |
Is I is, or is I ain't Libertarian? Back in the 60s I wrote an article pretending to use a Nom de Plum. Good read. | | |
I've got a problem installing Red Hat Linux 7.1. Looks like I screwed up the install CD. =] | | |
I happened to be present (and got quoted by the reporter) when a few grumpy bus riders stuck it to the man! Read my harrowing tale here: | | |
I wrote a letter to the editor of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Seems I think kids these days gots too much education! | | |
I happened to be present (and got quoted by the reporter) when a few grumpy bus riders stuck it to the man! Read my harrowing tale here: | | |
I signed a guestbook looking for more information on "Klinefelter Syndrome" for my son. | | |
More guestbook signage! This time I was professing my interest in the Liverpool Williamson Tunnels. | | |
I'm a joiner! Check out all of these clubs and organizations I belong to!
I'm a member of "Attaché" out of the University of Omaha, NE I was nominated as Best Soloist back in 1997 for my work on Facade. (Listen to the MP3). I'm not sure which one I am in the picture... but there's a good chance of one of those guys! | || | || | || - Direct link to the MP3 |
I'm in charge of the Morgan County (Indiana) Shrine Club. I'd tell you what we do there, but it's a secret. | | |
Do you have an NSU? Well then! Jump the pond and join our club! Yeah. I don't know what that is either. Some kind of car I suppose. | | |
I belong to a lot of churches, including the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints... that's right Mormon. Well, I'm in the Stake Telephone Directory anyway. | | |
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I love when people name awards after me! "Vibro-Acoustic Sciences has proudly instituted the Eric Dalton Memorial Achievement Award for leadership in engineering simulation of acoustics, vibration and shock in memory of the late Eric C. Dalton." | | |
I'm a brother of Omega Psi Phi where "Friendship is essential to the soul". "Psi Phi" sounds like a geek frat, but that's not even close. They are over 95 years old now and were pioneers in the struggle for racial equality and social justice. Think Lambda Lambda Lambda from RotN. | | |
I wont be able to attend the WisBar Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Midwinter Convention Program. Drats. | | |
I'm a student member of the College Church of Christ out of Searcy Arkansas. | | |
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Ok, this one might take some explaining. I'm Eric "Evil Eye" Dalton, one of the founding members of the Centurions. We're super heroes and we kick some major butt with our strange brand of 'super' powers. We have our own comic book series and everything! And of course you know that only the greatest of super heroes have their homepage on "Geocities". | | |
I helped found a Film Appreciation Society in Highgate, London. Wanna watch "Singin' in the Rain"? You can join for $25 pounds! | | |
I'm a member of the South Bay Yacht Racing Club & I puddle about the pond in my "Sparkman & Stephens 36". | | |
I'm also a member of the Sports Car Club of America and took 4th place in my '96 Chevy Impala. I notice a ford took first. Huh. | | |
Member: Morgan Co. Shrine Club. One of those guys in the parade with the small cars and fez hats? Maybe. The person listed below shares both my name and phone number. She's the contact for "Networking business women". Sounds like we're a team with which to be reckoned! | | |
Over in the UK, I'm the contact for the NSU Ro80 GB car club based out of Congleton, Chechire. Interesting, that. | | |
Eric of the ages! There's quite a few more of these, but I'll decline to put them all here for the sake of brevity.
I'm looking for information on my Great Great Great Great Grandfather Timothy. Yeah, Timothy Dalton - Best Bond Ever! | | |
I traced his Dalton line to 1813. Francis Dalton of Glenbrohane, County Limerick married Ellen McGrath on 22 Feb. 1813. | | |
My mom died at the tender age of 68 in Las Vegas. She had seven kids in all including myself and a score of grandkids and great-grandkids! | | |
Not much to say about these links. Just more proof that of my popularity! | | |
DaltonData is a great repository of Eric Dalton's. I'm all over the place in here. For Instance: | | - Connecticut - Australia - London England |
If it didn't fit into one of the above 'categories' then I stuffered it down here. Don't think these ain't important links though!
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This is Eric Dalton in his photo from the Graduate School's external awards recognition dinner, February 26, 2001, for students who have won prestigious external fellowships and grants. This link seems to have died, but my Cache is still valid. Click it to see a bigger picture of "me" and my wife or sister or somebody I just met who happens to have the same last name. Can't really tell can we? | | |
I'm trying to get permit to build a church in a residentially zoned area. What church? Why the First Tongan Assembly of God Church of course! | | |
How cool is it that I'm a character in a few books/stories? They just liked me so much, they didn't even bother to change the names for print! Woo! | | - "Wife Wanted" by Christine Rimmer | | - "ReUnion" a play by Chris Evans | | - X-Files fan fiction by Keleka |
Me and my wife Jodi would like to announce the birth of our daughter Alivia Paige, born at 7:13 a.m. Oct. 22, 2000. Yeah, that's with an "A". | | |
Not my proudest moment... back in 97 I defaulted on a loan from the American Savings Bank to the tune of $191,000. Sorry! | | |
My science teacher, Gary Hinson won the Milken Family Foundation Educator Award and I got to be on the news talking about it! | | |
While on the topic of Education, I'll have you know that in the fourth grade I was awarded the Pizza Hut BOOKIT award for 6 months of reading! | | |
I'm interested in buying a copy of a gospel stage play "Madea's Family Reunion". They'll have to meet in the graveyard. :-S | | |
I volunteered 8 hours as a "Husky Usher" for the Seattle Washington Rotary Club. That means I helped seat roudy football fans and didn't get to drink. | | |
My '97 Mitsubishi Eclipse took 2nd place at the Show-n-Shine Summer Nationals Bash at the Beach. I though only chicks drove those, but I guess I'm mistaken. ;-) | | |
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If you get to Australia any time soon, look me up. This could be one of my favorite Ego Links of all time as well as one of my oldest. The quote from the page describes me thusly: "The dark and sinister figure in the corner, striking a pose for Rodan, is Eric Dalton, party guy." Nice! | | |
The city of San Diego California resolution R-266267 awards me $233.87! Cheapskates. ;-) | | |
I think this is an insult. Not sure. Don't speak that language. Neither do the online translating engines. Hurumph. | | |
Have you ever heard of the Wizard Kings? It's a game that I helped create. True to my geek form it's a turn based RPG involving dice! | | |
I have one adult vield chameleon and one adult female chameleon which i am selling for 100 dollars each or 200 for both. Get'm both & save nothing! | | |
Surprisingly, I'm seven years old and have Fragile X syndrome (which makes communications difficult). Don't worry, I think I'm better now. | | |
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I bought a sheep! Not just any sheep... I got "Jag the outstanding ram" (see picture at left) from the Pirtle farm. "He is a Rocky son out of the great Victoria ewe which gives Jag a great genetic background of Train and No Fear." He'll do well for me in my Benton, TN home. The most interesting thing about this webpage is the knowledge that there is a right way to hold a sheep to photograph it: 1) Stand in front of animal with legs splayed legs apart. 2) Tuck sheep-head under armpit. 3) Step back with far leg thus stretching the animals form and showing off it's height & posture. THAT is need to know information! | | |
Alas, the links that follow are no longer in service, but they WERE at one point so I'm including them! When these died they gave me the idea for the Cache. Thanks also to Google who provided the idea for cached web pages and for some of the links on this page.
I'm one of the Advising Editors for the EJAP philosophy related program at Indiana University. This link is actually referenced several times from other pages. Too bad it's down. Just a guess, but I'm thinking that this is the same guy in all of the other Philosophy references. | |
I ran in the Tallulah Challenge 1998 (Senior Men Cross-Country), but didn't finish. Since this is the only link to an Eric Dalton running in the Senior's Circuit, I'm afraid it may have killed him. |
I ran in the Carlsbad 500 and finished in 1225th place! Not bad. At least I finished. Where is Carlsbad? |
I'm pledging Tau Beta Pi - Kansas State University. I can't find any other references to let me know if he ever became a brother. Perhaps they killed him. |
Nominated for a 'New Mexico MIC' award - Recognizing excellence in original music production for since 1987. Best Musical Production Special - Best Remake "Amazing Grace". This was one of my favorite links too. The site has moved to but my link is history. Sigh. |
I'm interested in buying some juice?! From a message board at Elite Fitness... I just hope whatever I was up to was legal. |
You might have noticed that I've played every sport but basketball. There's a reason for this. I'm a bench warming guard for Bethel College averaging under 1 point per game. This one actually COULD be me! | |
I've spoken at the Co-op conference of the University of Newfoundland and I'm sure I had a lot to say. |
This is my old Geocities page. I had it before they got chomped up by Yahoo. Hey, it was free and I was young... be gentle! | |
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These are all actual road races that I've run. This one is the Neptune City 5K 2000. The first time I ran in an organized race. | | |
2001 Bradley Beach 5k - The next year I set my PR thanks to some screwed up time-keeping. Who cares, it's in the book! | | |
Firecracker 5 Miles 2001 - This will most likely be the last time I do a full 5 miles. The time and finish recorded here is not accurate. I ran with my mother and cousin, and finished just ahead of my cousin (cuz I like to kick!) and there were at least a half dozen people that finished between us... which is not reflected here. | | |
Sea Girt 5K - Man was it humid. I beat the dog who was entered into the race. Yay! | | |
2002 Neptune City 5K- My second running of the hometown Neptune City 5k. I did much better this time. | | |
2002 Ocean Grove Biathlon - Run 2 miles, swim a quarter mile. Don't skip the socks! I did, rubbed off my heals and couldn't run for a week. | | |
2003 Bradley Beach 5K - Not a great race for me as I was out of shape. No excuses, I just suck. =] | | |
2003 Ocean Grove Biathlon - Back to the biathlon! This time I ran/swam it with a partially torn medial meniscus. Oh, and my Mom ran too! | | |
2003 Wall PBA 234 - My only 5K of the year. Heather volunteered time to give massages and I went for a light jog. | | |
Sean and Angie's homepage. Old buddy from college. Doesn't update the page much these days. | | |
Ethan Canner's Homepage. I met Ethan (and Beth below) in college. Now they're man & wife! Check them out at their new HOMEPAGE | | |
Beth Harper's one time homepage. I did the HTML for her. She could handle it herself now. | | |
I took the patriotic quiz. I did Ok if I remember correctly. Can't believe I used my standard email address! No wonder I get so much spam! | | |
That's all. I can't believe you read down this far! You deserve, and therefore have my heart felt praise and congratulations. Later!