As a child in the mid to late seventies, the greater part of all music I heard was by none other than John Denver. My mother was a great fan, and owned most of, if not all of, his albums. At almost any point I could inspect the record player, or 8-Track player and find POEMS PRAYERS AND PROMISES, or EARTH SONGS, or any of our favorites. In the same year that John saw his marriage to Annie end, I saw my parents divorce and with my Mother getting a full time Job, I just didn't hear John as much as I once had. As I grew up, music became a huge part of my life. I listened to every kind of music I could find, from Big Band to Classical, From Hip Hop to New Age, and none of it influenced me as my childhood music did. The day I purchased John Denver's Greatest Hits (volume one) on cassette, I realized this. I hadn't heard some of the songs on that tape a dozen years, and I still knew all the melodies. I still remembered most of the words. And I still felt the meaning behind the songs, only this time... I understood them. As the cliche goes, I listened again for the first time. Slowly I began to realize that the meaning and emotion behind each of the songs was as meaningful then as it was when it was written. Even if you didn't grow up with John Denver, you can still appreciate his music. Music in its purest form, written from the heart and the soul. If you have never heard his music before, you can always listen tomorrow, or next week. I have a feeling John Denver's music will be around for a long time.